Home / Product News & Features / VetSnap ezyVet integration

- 05/27/2022
Thanks to a new partnership between digital controlled drug log software provider, VetSnap, and modern-day veterinary software provider, ezyVet, veterinary practices now have a solution to help them digitize their controlled substance record keeping, reconciliation, and inventory management.
The integration between the two companies allows ezyVet customers to leverage their practice management software information, and helps practices reduce stress, save time, and digitize controlled substance record keeping. By using practice management data in conjunction with VetSnap’s digital drug log records, VetSnap is able to reduce the need for double entry and manual logging with potential for mistakes, and validate controlled drug usage against patient records.
ezyVet is a well-established and innovative cloud-based practice management software used by vet practices globally, with considerable market penetration in the Asia-Pacific region.
ezyVet Chief Growth Officer, Peter Brown shares, “We’re delighted to join forces with VetSnap to expand our digital controlled drug log book offering. Complying with DEA regulations surrounding the administration of controlled drugs used to involve a lot of manual record keeping. This has been a major time sink for many veterinary practices. By automating this process, ezyVet customers can cut their log time by 50% and take comfort in knowing all data is stored safely in the cloud.”
VetSnap was established in the US in 2020 as the first DEA compliant digital controlled drug software that auto-reconciles and finds logging errors. VetSnap provides an intuitive user experience, with automation that helps guide veterinary practices to be more compliant with controlled drug management.
VetSnap CEO, Yang Shi notes, “We want to thank the ezyVet team for providing a truly ‘ezy’ experience on both the API integration and partnership front, and in helping VetSnap quickly deliver our digital controlled drug log software to ezyVet hospitals, all at a time when the demand on veterinary staff is greater than ever. With this launch, we’re able to further our mission at VetSnap for all ezyVet hospitals, and help veterinary hospital staff remove friction, save time, and reduce stress with our digital controlled drug log software.”